by  Kevin Donohue


My journey began with little to no knowledge of massage with the misconception that massage was just a luxury service to help people relax by pampering them and rubbing their muscles. In 2010, I started learning a very unique style of therapeutic massage called Seifukujitsu (Japanese: restoring arts) which is a blend of traditional Hawaiian lomi lomi and classical Chinese medicine. Attending the 580-hour course helped me to realize the vast beneficial qualities of therapeutic massage and energy work. I quickly dove right into the profession with a hunger for more knowledge and a growing curiosity of the amazing human body. I then attended the massage therapy program at De Anza college.  I first learned trigger point therapy, neuromuscular re-education, and sports massage. After completing the program, I became certified in the state of California. Learning sports massage and other therapeutic techniques inevitably got me addicted to being able to make changes in the muscle to improve overall structure and function. Wanting to expand my knowledge base, I began taking additional classes at Monterey Institute of Touch and San Francisco School of Massage and Bodywork. There I learned highly advanced techniques, including active release technique, structural integration, myofascial release, and ortho-bionomy. More importantly, I learned why these techniques are so effective at relieving muscle tension. I was now able to adapt these techniques to any individual and specific muscle groups, making the necessary adjustments to achieve the maximum amount of relief or change. My ongoing mission is to educate people on the full potential of massage and bodywork. 

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